Harry Levinson
Harry Levinson came to Fairmont from Bishopville, SC in 1927 and opened the Fairmont Underselling Store in partnership with brother-in-law A. M. Krasnoff. He bought Krasnoff's interest in 1929, moved his family to Fairmont and began expanding his lines. By 1934 he expanded into the adjacent building on South Main Street next to the newly-arrived Waccamaw Bank and Trust Company, renaming the business Levinson's Department Store. Constantly looking for ways to better serve his clientele, Levinson remodeled often to enhance his ability to display like merchandise together. He did his own market research on buying trips, investigating new display methods as he purchased goods for the next season. He continued at this location until 1941 when the Sam Dunie building became available. Levinson relocated to "Dunie's Corner" in November, 1941 and proceeded to grow the business even more.
Levinson continued the things that had made his business successful, always looking for new merchandising ideas. With son David's marriage to Glorie Diamant of Brooklyn, NY the enterprise added an experienced NY City model to their firm not to mention a touch of glamor. When Harry died in December, 1956 after five years of multiple illnesses, David and Glorie assumed operation of the business, expanding into an adjacent building in order to fully develop the growing women's department and expand their extensive line of shoes. Window displays were always eye-catching with the latest trends from the city. The outside of the building was remodeled to a more modern facade.
Business boomed for twenty-nine more years but then David died on December 30, 1981 after suffering a heart attack on December 25, 1981. Levinson's was liquidated during the following year.